See how we help people with disabilities find an ideal position
For people with disabilities who want to work, but are unsure about how employment may affect their benefits, The Kennedy Collective offers Community Partner Work Incentive Counseling (CPWIC). Our team of Community Partner Work Incentive Counselors provide in-depth and personalized assessments that clarify your benefits related to Social Security disability, government health insurance like Medicaid or Medicare, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and other benefits or federal subsidies.
Each of The Kennedy Collective Community Work Incentive Counselors have completed the intensive training and certification process through Virginia Commonwealth University.
Consider benefits counseling if you are a person with disabilities over 14 years old, but not yet full retirement age, and are already receiving some type of disability benefit from Social Security. Good candidates for Community Partner Work Incentive Counseling services are those:
If you are unsure about participating in benefits counseling, or are unsure about your work goals, a Community Partner Work Incentive Counseling specialist from The Kennedy Collective can provide you with basic information about benefits, work incentives, programs, and services.
By providing comprehensive, detailed insight, The Kennedy Collective CPWIC specialists are able to give people with disabilities a clear view of how their employment goals and benefits work together. Individuals who use this counseling service have reported feeling more empowered to join the workforce, and more secure about their financial independence.
If you or someone you love could benefit from CPWIC, The Kennedy Collective team would love to have a discussion. Please provide some initial information, and a team member will be in touch with you.