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Teresa joined The Kennedy Collective in August 2021, bringing over 30 years of new business development, strategic planning, and leadership to the organization.
Before joining The Kennedy Collective, Teresa spent four years at SourceAmerica where she led a team that experienced annual growth year-over-year. Prior to that, Teresa worked for National Industries for the Blind (NIB) as Director of Business Development, whose missions are to create jobs for people who are blind and visually impaired.
Prior to joining the AbilityOne Program, Teresa was Director of Sales and Business Development at Sayre Enterprises, a Women-owned Small Business and supplier to the Department of Defense, managing and directing both Government and Commercial lines of businesses as well as developing and executing the overall strategic growth plans for the U.S., Europe, and Pacific Rims.
Teresa attended Prince Georges College, MD studying Business Administration and Management. She served on the Board of Directors for Habitat for Humanity, Lexington / Rockbridge County VA, and is a founding Board member for the Angel House Shelter Foundation, San Diego CA.
Contributions to The Kennedy Collective allow the organization to expand programs and services in the community and throughout the state, to increase employment opportunities for individuals with varying disabilities, create new lines of business enterprises, and support programs and services. Those are just a few ways contributions benefit the individuals we support and serve.
Family is so important. The Kennedy Collective creates a sense of family throughout their programs and enterprises, and at every level which is an important component for success.
I am passionate about having a mission to serve. I’ve been part of supporting individuals with disabilities since 2012, and I since that time, I’ve dedicated myself to supporting this mission. I believe we all have something that “calls us”. This is what calls me. At The Kennedy Collective we are committed to our mission of creating pathways for people to flourish and thrive. What a perfect mission to be passionate about!