See how we help people with disabilities find an ideal position
For people with disabilities between 16 to 22 years old, The Kennedy Collective provides Transition Services that not only help them integrate into the adult world, but also help them thrive. The service, called our Partners Program, provides tools to build critical job training and life skills – empowers individuals to explore their interests in ways that make the first steps into the job market less scary, and make achieving their personal or professional goals more attainable.
The Partners Program is recognized by the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) and Bureau of Special Education (BSE). The Kennedy Collective is a qualified Transition/Vocational Services Provider (TVSP) who has contracted with over 30 school systems.
Youth and young adults with disabilities are primarily referred to the program through local boards of education. Transition Services are often provided directly to interested parents and/or entities – including the Workplace, Inc., and state agencies such as The Department of Children and Families (DCF), The Bureau of Rehabilitation (BRS), The Department of Developmental Services (DDS), and The Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS).
School Transition Services include:
In partnership with The Workplace, Inc., The Kennedy Collective Transition Services include a Career Pathways initiative. This offers eligible youth opportunities for gaining exposure to six high-demand industries: Retail, Construction & Manufacturing, Hotel & Hospitality, Culinary, Healthcare, and Information Technology.
Through the Career Pathways initiative, youth and young adults with disabilities are also able obtain their Customer Service Skills Certification, as administered by the National Retail Federation Foundation.
Transition to Employment is a program which emphasizes work preparedness. Its goal is to assist individuals in gaining the skills necessary to obtain and maintain competitive employment within a three-year time frame – while also increasing their independence.
Individuals will receive instructional-based learning opportunities at The Kennedy Collective locations and throughout the community – including individual businesses, job centers, community resource centers, local college campuses and other educational institutions.
In the past several years alone, the Partners Program has worked with nearly 50 employers to provide individuals with disabilities vocational experiences across a variety of major industries – while matching jobs to the particular interests of the individual.
Employment Services are designed to help individuals find and or retain employment. As a Community Rehabilitation Provider (CRP) in the field of vocational rehabilitation, The Kennedy Collective works with the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS), Bureau of Educational Services for the Blind (BESB) and the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to provide employment-related services and vocational training, as well as onsite and offsite support to qualified individuals. Focus areas include vocational skills assessments, career planning and development, direct competitive placement, and customized supports.
Employment Services include:
In the last five years, nearly 200 youth and young adults with disabilities have participated in our Transition Services programs. The majority of individuals who completed the program never had a single paycheck before, much less a consistent job. Of these student-aged individuals, approximately 65% return to The Kennedy Collective for guidance on expanded career pathing.
The Kennedy Collective Transition Services are highly-personalized and comprehensive – ensuring that they not only benefit the individuals who acquire skills, gain employment, and increase confidence, but they also introduce employers to the value of people with disabilities in their workforce.
The Kennedy Collective team would love to have a discussion about Transition Services. Please provide some initial information, and a team member will be in touch with you.