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Don Seipel, Vice President, Behavior Analytic Services

Don joined The Kennedy Collective in 2014 as a Behaviorist assessing behavior function, developing positive behavior support plans, and analyzing data. In 2017, he was promoted to Director of Clinical Services and continued the mission of empowering individuals with disabilities in the least restrictive environment. In 2022, Don is now the Vice President of Behavior Analytic Services with a vision of increasing evidence-based interventions throughout the organization.
Don has a diverse background of working in public schools, specialty schools, day programs, residential services, and family homes.
Don holds a Master's Degree in Applied Behavior Analysis from Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia. He is a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst, Connecticut Licensed Behavior Analyst, and a DDS Qualified Behavioral Services Provider. Don was nominated for the Trumbull Parents of Students with Learning Differences Above and Beyond Award and was invited to present Authoring of Fade Plans, Presenting Data, and Fade Plan Progress by DDS’s Behavioral Health Quarterly Meeting.

Don Seipel sitting and smiling at the camera wearing a tie.

Why Should Someone Contribute To The Kennedy Collective?

Everyone deserves a chance to live, learn, and work in their community and each contribution makes a meaningful impact in making this a reality.

What Sums Up The Kennedy Collective To You?

The gold standard in ensuring all people can be contributing members of society.

Why Are You So Passionate About The Kennedy Collective?

Each day I get to wake up and spend my day working alongside equally devoted co-workers who all strive to create purpose in the lives of the individuals we serve. I implore everyone to become a part of The Kennedy Collective in some way, inevitability, you too will feel this passion as I do.