See how we help people with disabilities find an ideal position
February 1st, 2022
The Kennedy Center's Mobility Services Southwest & South-Central CT Regional Mobility Managers provide information and tools to help seniors, veterans and persons with disabilities navigate the transportation system thereby maintaining or increasing their independence. Topics include mobility
management, public transit districts, the Americans with Disabilities Act and how it applies to transportation, travel training, local options, online resources, Reduced Fare Transit Photo ID and taxi voucher programs.
Date: February 22, 2022
Time: 6:00 – 7:00pm
Location: Zoom
Registration: FREE
Email: [email protected]
(A Zoom link will be sent after Registration)
Meg Haffner
Southwest Connecticut Regional Mobility Manager
The Kennedy Center, Inc.
Laurie McElwee
South Central Regional Mobility Manager
The Kennedy Center, Inc.
*For more information or to register* [email protected]
Meg Haffner
Southwest Connecticut Regional Mobility Manager
The Kennedy Center, Inc.
After working in New Haven, CT with at-risk youth for over 30 years, Meg chose to explore other career paths. In 2019, she accepted a position with The Kennedy Center in Trumbull as the Southwest Connecticut Regional Mobility Manager, providing transportation information to seniors, persons with disabilities and veterans. Previously connecting with those populations via in-person presentations, Meg now conducts virtual discussions, still providing this valuable information and, thereby, helping people to maintain or increase their independence, stay connected to their communities and obtain medical care including COVID testing and vaccinations. Meg has also created brochures to be distributed via statewide food programs, introduced travel training via interactive virtual curricula to youth preparing for employment, published mobility services information in seniors’ circulations, and serves on committees comprised of area resource teams. She is currently helping build a new website for The Kennedy Center’s Mobility Services Department, providing easy access to all the available programs. Meg is thankful for today’s opportunity to showcase the department, to share her experiences and to
learn from this community.
Laurie McElwee
South Central Regional Mobility Manager
The Kennedy Center, Inc.
From a youngster to present day, Laurie was brought up by a family who gives kindness and support to others. A family who wants to see everyone have the same opportunities as everyone else. Laurie chose to go in to teaching and supporting others in the nonprofit world. Laurie sits on many boards and advisory committees that support seniors and individuals with disabilities. All working together with like-minded goals. Transportation has been seen as a gap and barrier to many individuals seeking connection to employment, appointments, voting, community engagements, going to stores, and time with friends and family. We may have a Plan A, but our Plan A may fall through. Connecticut Regional Mobility Managers also teach a Plan B and C. One of the best gifts you can give someone is having options and teaching them to be secure in those options. Laurie has worked hard to build partners with existing transportation partners and building new ones. It is my great joy and passion to be with you today. Laurie thanks Amy Dingwall for the opportunity to talk to you about options in transportation.
Click here to access the full PEP Feb 2022 Workshop document!