August 1st, 2022
Water facts²
Water is very important to our bodies, but just how important is it? Water makes up over 50% of an adult’s body and it plays an important role in your body’s function. Most of us know that we need to stay hydrated, but not all beverages are created equal.
- 80%of people’s water intake comes from drinking water
- 20% of people’s water intake comes from food
Why do we need water?³
- Water helps the body keep your temperature normal
- Water lubricates and cushions joints
- Water rids the body of waste
- Water protects the spinal cord
How much fluid should I drink?⁴
- Women should drink about 11.5 cups of fluid or 92 ounces daily
- Men should drink about 15.5 cups of fluid or 124 ounces daily
Signs of dehydration5
- Thirst
- Dry, cool skin
- Dry or sticky mouth
- Dizziness
- Feeling tired
- Dark yellow urine or not urinating much
Preventing dehydration5
- Fill that water bottle — don’t rely on beverages with caffeine or alcohol for hydration
- Take extra care in the heat — increase fluid intake in hot weather
- Change it up — add some fruit to your water for variety
Check the label for hidden sweeteners6
Many beverages include sweeteners that go by several different names. In order to know if you are drinking a sugar-sweetened beverage, be on the lookout for these ingredients:
- High fructose corn syrup
- Fructose
- Fruit juice concentrates
- Honey
- Sugar
- Syrup
- Corn syrup
- Sucrose
- Dextrose
Make a splash
Fun ways to flavor your water
No recipe to follow. Quantities of fruit and other flavorings can vary based on taste and what you have on hand.
Mix and match. Whether it’s a full pitcher or just a glass, get creative.
Freeze your fruit
Add frozen berries for flavor and color or freeze pureed fruit or 100% juice in ice cube trays.
- Very Berry
- Mango Delight
- Marvelous Melon
Squeeze in citrus
Cut fruit into wedges or slices — or just splash the juice in.
- Lemon Lover
- Luscious Lime
- Orange Fusion
Go herbal
Add unique flavors with chopped or whole herbs and spices.
- Minty Refresher
- Juicy Ginger
- Basil Sipper
Click here to access the Water Facts flyer!